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Last Updated: Friday, 27 August, 2004, 14:07 GMT 15:07 UK
Hamster coats return to the racks
The coats were made from hamster fur
Coats made using the fur of hamsters have gone back on sale at a shop which cleared them from its shelves earlier this year following an outcry.

The garments, made from the pelts of 100 hamsters, are being sold at House of Bruar near Blair Atholl, Perthshire.

The store said it was clearing its stocks of the coats, which are being sold with a reduced price tag.

But the move was condemned by animal rights activists, who said the shop should donate them to the homeless.

The coats cost £1,750 when they originally went on sale earlier this year.

These have to be one of the most inhumane pieces of clothing you can get
Lynda Korimboccus
Advocates for Animals
House of Bruar was thought to be the only store in Scotland to stock the items.

It took them off the shelves in response to the "customer feedback" and said it would not be buying any more.

However, the firm said it had put them back on sale to redeem the costs.

"The policy of the House of Bruar is that we will no longer be purchasing fur-lined Loden coats," said a spokeswoman.

Off the shelves

"The policy of non-purchase has not changed and these coats were only re-introduced at less than cost price in order to clear minimal residue stocks."

Lynda Korimboccus, campaigns manager at Advocates for Animals, said House of Bruar was still encouraging people to buy a "horrendously-produced" product.

"It's not good enough. Really, they should just come off the shelves - it's as simple as that," she said.

"These have to be one of the most inhumane pieces of clothing you can get."

Lobby group

She said the organisation would be contacting the store to suggest that the coats are donated to the homeless.

A similar suggestion was made by anti-fur lobby group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta).

"In this day and age, the only people who have any excuse for wearing fur is those who have no other choice," said a spokesman.

"I hope the company's decision to remove the coats from sale in the first place was an ethical one and they will realise the ethically correct thing to do is not to sell these coats."

Fur coats cleared in hamster row
05 Mar 04  |  Scotland
Hamster coats boycott call
01 Mar 04  |  Scotland

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