Funny Canadian Memes That Will Crack You Up

As Robin Williams once said: “I will be there as soon as I can! You have to give me a more specific location, you are a big country. You are the kindest country in the world. You are like a really nice apartment over a meth lab.”

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

Canadian memes are the best memes.

41 thoughts on “Funny Canadian Memes That Will Crack You Up”

  1. I’m a dual citizen and have lived extensively in both counties. I would rather live in the US hands down than in Canada. I’ve never felt so unsafe as in a place where little Castro can change all of life and law with his petty schoolchild whims. Taxes beyond extreme, poor healthcare, no national defense, and regulation spilling out every overflow. Barely even Western Civ.

  2. Those Canadians who don’t get a bill for health care actually don’t get health care. They get “managed care.” The whole process is designed for the benefit of the paper-pushers, not the patients. The closest thing to that in the U.S. is what we vets get through the VA. I once waited five months for an MRI to determine why I was having blackouts because of paperwork screwups. And if the U.S. ever turns to Medicare For All, people will quickly find out why government-run “managed care” is a terrible idea.

  3. I have been told to fu#& off every time I visited Canada, where are these so called
    polite Canadians hiding?

  4. All the rich people fly into Canada for their health care. Oh wait. They Don’t. They fly to US because it’s the best.

  5. Being polite under tyranny is not a virtue.

  6. You are no doubt a fake Canadian. Go home.

  7. So paper work screw ups caused you to have blackouts. Did getting put on hold make you dizzy? Medicare happens to work great.

  8. Yeah, keep telling that to yourself. It makes the hurt to live as a slave in the US less, I guess. Meanwhile we foreigners and the Canadians experience real freedom. And proper healthcare.

  9. Could be your attitude.

  10. Remember when Rand Paul went to Canada for his surgery? Guess he knows where to go.

  11. Is that what they are telling you? *lol* Good. You earned it. 👍

  12. Since when are US Americans polite? They are loud, rude, uncultured and uneducated. All tourist destinations on the globe know that.
    At least the few Americans that can escape the tyranny at home. Most of them are kept poor, living from paycheck to paycheck so they can’t affort to leave the country. A prison without bars. Slaves.

  13. How do you know all of us are loud, rude, uncultured and uneducated? Your assumptions make you out to be one of the traits you’re accusing Americans of being…uneducated.

  14. Here’s a Canadian meme:

    The President and CEO of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, along with its entire board of directors, resigned on Tuesday blaming “politicization” in the aftermath of bombshell reports the Foundation had taken donations from Chinese billionaire Zhang Bin intended to influence the government of Trudeau’s son, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Socks Trudeau.

    Nothing to see here, right?

  15. Trudeau will still be Prime Minister after the next election. Canadians have been
    bribed time after time with lucrative benefits, and now are shit scared a conservative
    government will cut these generous welfare benefits. Much of eastern Canada depend
    on government hand outs to survive. Successive Liberal governments planned, and
    have succeeded in keeping the “Voters” in line. Canadian democracy is just a few steps
    away from disappearing. Trudeau is a true communist, and close to being “President”
    for life.

  16. I wish I could go home. I’m stuck in semi-commie B.C.

  17. Yeah, sure.

  18. That’s the cliché. Sorry if I’m the first to tell you.


  20. Canada doesn’t have Trump. Makes me wanna move there.Except we don’t have trump where I live so I think I will stay here. Then again only one place has Trump so I have hundreds of choices if I wanna live in another Country.

  21. Because the US did so poorly under Trump, yeah? Skyrocketing economy, no wars, reduction in stifling regulation, lil Putie staying in the Kremlin, Ji Jin Ping not daring to even say “Taiwan”, energy independence for the first time in many decades, a rebuilt military, and lower taxes. I don’t like his personality anymore than anyone else does, but if you vote personality instead of policy you’re a myopic fool and get such things as Canada’s Castro. (Oh, wait. He has a majorly creepy personality, too.) At some point you have to start the maturation process.

  22. Economy rocketed on the expense of the environment and the American people.
    There was still war on terror under Trump.
    Deregulation usually ends up in sh*t for everybody. As it did.
    Putin was abviously already planning his moves. Trump was his accomplice.
    China says Taiwan for decades now.
    Energy independence but polution and poisoning the people. Bad deal.
    Rebuilt military? The military in the US is constantly building. No country spends more.
    Lower taxes = failing state = zero living standards.
    And let’s not forget that MILLIONS of American citizens did under his watch because he didn’t care about the pandemic and had more interest in building a fake wall that fell over at the first breeze. Most of the tax payers money landed in his and his friends pockets. Half of them is in prison now.
    Once again your post was debunked easily. Trudeau derangement syndrome strikes your brain hard. Disfunctional.

  23. Your own shortsightedness propagates the cliché. Point being, make sure you’re 100 percent positive of your statement prior to posting so you don’t sound like a hypocrite. It would be a bit more dignified for you.

  24. People who constantly defend the corrupt Trudeau dictatorship are socialist wannabes. They would defend him no matter what. Just like the Trumpes only Trump DID good things for the American workers and exposed the elites for what they are. Parasites feeding on the poor and middle class.

  25. He mainly exposed that half the country will believe anything.

  26. Hahaha, “solialist”. You have never seen a real socialist.

  27. It just leaves objective people gasping that people like you can attempt to pervert reality the way you do. I s’pose America may have to come bail you out. Again.

  28. What does that have to do with this? Your indoctrination is showing. You are repeating phrases your beloved leaders hammered into you. Wrong phrases for this argument though.
    Just admit you lost the discussion or track at least.

  29. Yet, some clichés are true. 100% true. *post*

  30. Ha! A European wanting an American to admit failure and indoctrination. Rich! Hypocrisy much? Hypocrisy all? Thank you—however having see Europe and having taught undergraduate and graduate courses there, watching the destruction of the once great British, the cost of living in Germany and Switzerland, the weak fickleness of France, the overrun of Islam—nah I’ll stick with both Uncle Sam and even Trump till we have to come pull your freeloading fat from the fire yet again.

  31. You obviously have no clue about Europe except the fairy tales right wing media tells you. Don’t come out of your bubble.

  32. Living costs in Germany? You know Germans keep more of their money at the end of the day than Americans, do you? People ran the numbers. It’s on the net for free. The living costs finance infrastructure, healthcare, social systems. So the overall expenses for Germans are less than for Americans. That’s why Germans can afford to safe money and don’t live on their weekley paycheck until the money runs out. Germans don’t have to live on the street or in their car if they lose their job. Your employer doesn’t “own” you here. If he acts up you show him or her the finger and find another job. Knowing you won’t have to starve or die of a cold if it takes months or years to find a new job. That’s actually not a thing in Europe overall. That’s real freedom.
    We only know that hard life from American movies and TV. Like many other things. More cliches, I guess.
    That’s why no one in Europe seriously consideres living in the U.S. Except some simpletons that fall for the fake American dream or people who know how to benefit from it… always knowing they can just fly home.

  33. Life expectancy in the US and Europe tells the whole story. *dropsmicrophone*

  34. If you’ve been to Canada you’ve seen socialist.

  35. 10% of my Gross income is deducted from everything I earn to pay for healthcare. My prescriptions cost money. 10% is a loooooong shot from “Free”.
    The only people getting free healthcare in Canada are the lazy communist liberal voting leeches of society who don’t earn their own paycheque.

  36. If you say so… it must not be true.

  37. Uhm, nope. *lol* You have no idea what you are talking about.

  38. The old fairy tale of “the lazy people” living off social support and healthcare. That’s what the rich and powerful want you to believe so you look the other way while they fill their own pockets with your tax payer money.
    Some things never change. In the middle ages it was the jews poisoning the wells, now it’s “the lazy people” stealing your tax money. People still falling that cheap trick.

  39. Zzzzz

  40. The United States’ hat.

  41. Love these Maga Americans. Stay where you are bud. We’re happy to know you’re on the other side of the border wallowing in your ignorance. Slow clap from Canada eh.


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