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5 facts about the Big Bang 3253 -2 (+ / -)
Why do apples turn brown after you bite them? 1620 -3 (+ / -)
How do you measure the calories in food? 1648 -3 (+ / -)
How do chemical pesticides work? 1568 -1 (+ / -)
What happens when galaxies collide? 2012 0 (+ / -)
What Is The Singularity In A Black Hole? 1593 0 (+ / -)
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The biggest science events happening in 2021 2166 -5 (+ / -)
The James Webb Space Telescope Looks Amazing 1621 -1 (+ / -)
What Is The Simulation Universe Theory 1409 1 (+ / -)
Inside the Christmas Tree Cluster 1784 -1 (+ / -)
How do identity chip implants work? 1927 0 (+ / -)
How Fractals Work 2258 2 (+ / -)
The science of fear 2052 3 (+ / -)
How to see cosmic rays 2006 0 (+ / -)
How does Earth’s atmosphere create air currents? 2089 1 (+ / -)
6 curious questions about your brain answered 2039 -1 (+ / -)
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The history of Freemasons finally explained 2212 0 (+ / -)
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Top 5 facts about orchids 1969 1 (+ / -)
What would happen if I fell into the center of Earth? 2358 -2 (+ / -)
What are saturn’s rings made of? 1922 0 (+ / -)
Origin of Stonehenge's sarsen stones 1921 0 (+ / -)
What's the Difference Between a Hornet and a Wasp? 3331 1 (+ / -)
Why does popcorn pop? 1791 0 (+ / -)
This science explains why you can smell rain 1649 2 (+ / -)
How Cicadas Work 1807 1 (+ / -)
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The difference between redshift and blueshift 2922 -2 (+ / -)
How to turn milk into glue 2216 1 (+ / -)
How is food genetically modified? 1688 -1 (+ / -)
How did the first phone call work? 2265 -1 (+ / -)
How Much Water Is There on Earth? 2076 2 (+ / -)
What causes fire rainbows? 2276 -3 (+ / -)
Tractor evolution 3130 1 (+ / -)
What if I Were Struck by Lightning? 2929 -1 (+ / -)
5 strange theories about the universe 2723 0 (+ / -)
How are planets made? 1987 0 (+ / -)
The real reason it's so dark in the space 2415 -1 (+ / -)
The shape that shouldn’t exist 3203 -1 (+ / -)
What happened to the Olmec civilisation? 2276 0 (+ / -)
What is sunburn? 2096 -1 (+ / -)
How to make a fire snake 2586 -2 (+ / -)
What Causes an Iceberg to Flip? 2846 -1 (+ / -)
What Causes an Iceberg to Flip? 2839 -5 (+ / -)
The legend of pegasus explained 2446 -2 (+ / -)
The real reason cicadas are so loud 2050 -1 (+ / -)
What happens when you pull a muscle? 2300 -6 (+ / -)
High Resolution Space Rocks 2294 1 (+ / -)
Science facts that you probably didnt know about 3241 3 (+ / -)
How does a Taser gun work? 4938 0 (+ / -)
How clouds reveal the weather 2945 0 (+ / -)
Why Does Ice Stick to Your Fingers? 3220 -2 (+ / -)
What substances make paints matte or glossy? 1835 -1 (+ / -)
The science of lie detectors 2151 -1 (+ / -)
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