Dude stair jumps, head first |
1786 |
5 (+ / -) |
The Office Gremlins |
1944 |
2 (+ / -) |
Crash landing on the water |
3109 |
14 (+ / -) |
Two girls cause a subway rage |
4205 |
1 (+ / -) |
Horrible chinese train accident video |
4470 |
-5 (+ / -) |
Trampoline Faceplant |
1926 |
0 (+ / -) |
The Best Knock Out Punch in the History of Mankind |
6366 |
7 (+ / -) |
Magic Trick Goes Wrong |
3329 |
4 (+ / -) |
When Ferrari Enzo 340 Gets Involved In An Accident |
4514 |
6 (+ / -) |
Snowboarder Avoids Horrible Accident |
2357 |
4 (+ / -) |
Rally cars missing their turn (crash compilation) |
1886 |
3 (+ / -) |
People getting hit by cars (brutal and gory at times) |
3954 |
-2 (+ / -) |
Steeplechase Mega-FAIL |
1970 |
4 (+ / -) |
Wild Chick Fight |
3310 |
-5 (+ / -) |
Baseball player in balls trouble |
2324 |
5 (+ / -) |
SWAT sniper blows man out window with rubber bullet |
4503 |
2 (+ / -) |
Car hits the entrance nearly crushing a customer |
1902 |
5 (+ / -) |
Traffic lights terrible crash |
4498 |
5 (+ / -) |
Loaded coal train terrible impact |
3857 |
8 (+ / -) |
Brutal Knockouts compilation |
3703 |
9 (+ / -) |
Scooter Racer Completely Loses Control of his Scooter |
2700 |
-8 (+ / -) |
Corvette Police Chase |
4165 |
-1 (+ / -) |
Trampoline Faceplant to the ground. |
1921 |
-2 (+ / -) |
Russian party |
5384 |
-3 (+ / -) |
Bike Idiot |
2987 |
1 (+ / -) |
Idiot Suspect Runs Himself Over Trying to Surrender |
2178 |
1 (+ / -) |
Railslide Without A Skateboard |
2016 |
-1 (+ / -) |
Skater Gets Taken Out in a Rather Unexpected Way |
2855 |
-4 (+ / -) |
Car Plows Through Protestors in Switzerland |
2283 |
2 (+ / -) |
You failed compilation |
4399 |
7 (+ / -) |
Nasty snowboard crash/faceplant off railing |
1860 |
0 (+ / -) |
Cop Nailed by Drum at Mexican Soccer Match |
2048 |
2 (+ / -) |
Kid runs into pole after being spin around |
1704 |
1 (+ / -) |
Bungee jump line snaps |
2710 |
-2 (+ / -) |
Skater Face Plants - Through Glass |
1870 |
2 (+ / -) |
Rookie Shooter |
3061 |
5 (+ / -) |
Woman runs into glass door |
2658 |
-1 (+ / -) |
Woman Breaks Glass with Face |
2365 |
-1 (+ / -) |
Drunk dude falls of a train bridge |
2101 |
4 (+ / -) |
AVP In The Bathroom |
3726 |
2 (+ / -) |
Motorcycle wheelie goes bad |
2850 |
2 (+ / -) |
Girl Going Downhill on Skateboard for the First Time |
2770 |
6 (+ / -) |
Stunning Video Collection of Car & Truck Accidents |
3587 |
3 (+ / -) |
Top 40 Wrestling Moves |
2786 |
-1 (+ / -) |
Drunk Falls Off a Bridge & Gets Hit by a Fire Truck |
4636 |
16 (+ / -) |
Insane Car Show Accident Leaves Driver Dead by Own Car |
5118 |
5 (+ / -) |
Big Crash |
3308 |
0 (+ / -) |
Curious Little Girl Learns not to Bother a Komodo Drag |
3237 |
-6 (+ / -) |
RC plane flies into head |
2453 |
3 (+ / -) |
Downhill Office Chair |
2241 |
0 (+ / -) |
Dude Gets Nailed In Nuts |
2587 |
2 (+ / -) |
Friend staples his friend as he sleeps |
2396 |
1 (+ / -) |
Biker Fails At Double Backflip Attempt |
2172 |
5 (+ / -) |
When Bullfighting gets the Best of the Matador |
2596 |
14 (+ / -) |
Russian Woman Repeatedly Kicks a Man on a Tram |
2767 |
0 (+ / -) |
MySpace Destroys Teenage Girls |
8283 |
-1 (+ / -) |
Rocket hits target 100% |
4045 |
8 (+ / -) |
Girl gets hit by a fast moving tumbler |
2537 |
5 (+ / -) |
Gymnastic gal missing beam |
3059 |
-1 (+ / -) |
Idiot and WD-40 |
5089 |
12 (+ / -) |