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Golden bra worth 1.9 million - Looks comfy! 3920 56 (+ / -)
You like the movie Aliens a bit too much 3061 30 (+ / -)
Sweet old Episode of the Freddy Kruegger show 1972 35 (+ / -)
Strange inventions from the Orient 3629 40 (+ / -)
Aww, the cute kitty plays with the laptop 3647 100 (+ / -)
The fish loft - from germany! 4046 81 (+ / -)
Matchstick replica of hogwarts school 4118 61 (+ / -)
That's one weird vacuum commercial 2314 32 (+ / -)
Video of Tyra Banks acting like a tard on myspace 4642 27 (+ / -)
Gay, foul mouthed puppets 2936 83 (+ / -)
They sacrifice babies and melt their skin into candles. 4338 85 (+ / -)
College football live lines 1946 18 (+ / -)
Some crazy ass cars (etc) all over the streets 4012 24 (+ / -)
MC Hammer is even getting on the 9/11 gravy train 2734 31 (+ / -)
Mike Tyson is truly insane 6342 21 (+ / -)
Who knew Hippos also ate Gazelles 3432 18 (+ / -)
Some kind of combination music video strip poker ho down 3323 21 (+ / -)
Bizarre soccer incident... is it a dance or a seizure? 3604 31 (+ / -)
Possessed, spooky ass bird 3203 25 (+ / -)
Lunatic disrupts class with strange actions 3020 16 (+ / -)
Very weird toy/robot sex advertisement from Asia 4340 22 (+ / -)
Wrestler goes nuts and attacks reporter 3533 19 (+ / -)
Wacky Ways to Lose Weight 2284 20 (+ / -)
Suri Cruise unveiled in Vanity Faire 2984 18 (+ / -)
Lucy Gao’s is throwing one high class party 3545 12 (+ / -)
Name one good black invention? Peanut butter?? 3053 12 (+ / -)
Small Steve Irwin gallery - Sorry to see you go mate 3209 25 (+ / -)
Kids and night vision cameras are bad 4934 20 (+ / -)
Uh, Avril Lavigne in a Hooters outfit? 9231 9 (+ / -)
Moscow subway sees alot of strange things 6025 25 (+ / -)
Musical roller blading? Weird as hell 1349 28 (+ / -)
The 9/11 attacks via Microsoft Flight Simulator 4694 31 (+ / -)
Various clips of weird japanese gameshows 2358 27 (+ / -)
2 girls slap the crap out of each other 4034 29 (+ / -)
Toiletpaper for the rich 4739 108 (+ / -)
Creepy kid laughs like an adult 3709 56 (+ / -)
What the hell is this monster?? 7862 93 (+ / -)
Those clothes are the ugliest ever 4974 67 (+ / -)
Who wakes up one day and decides they want to do this? 5197 67 (+ / -)
Japanese meat head girls and an angry lizard 4275 17 (+ / -)
Let's where 121 t-shirts 3677 23 (+ / -)
Puff Daddy wastes everybody's time... yet again 3378 21 (+ / -)
A fashion show in Silent Hill? 3184 49 (+ / -)
Sorry buddy, your bride is a whore 9568 21 (+ / -)
This man has the 411 on Pro Activ 2888 19 (+ / -)
The ghost of a janitor roams these halls 3737 22 (+ / -)
I'm in your base killin' your doodz... 3681 16 (+ / -)
Whoa. That's one dark creepy English cartoon 3682 21 (+ / -)
This prison is better than most college housing 5020 26 (+ / -)
Croatia... the land of beat women and rawking Civil War 5358 19 (+ / -)
Weird museum made of human bones 2330 21 (+ / -)
Fat ass Park memorial fountains 2892 45 (+ / -)
Bouncey bouncey... stupid, but addictive 11372 74 (+ / -)
Russian experiments: forward to 5:30 6872 116 (+ / -)
The Pussycat Boys 4549 51 (+ / -)
Latin television is damn sexy.. and kind of creepy 3656 23 (+ / -)
Ice cream skate team 2242 13 (+ / -)
Deep fried McDonalds burger - YUM! 3895 17 (+ / -)
Pepsi tries to top coke sales 3306 15 (+ / -)
What in god's name is wrong with Japan? 5161 28 (+ / -)
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