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Failed Cliff Jump 2235 0 (+ / -)
Dodge truck big bad jump 3713 -3 (+ / -)
Most painful backflip faceplant 2081 -1 (+ / -)
Gamers fighting caught on tape 3300 -5 (+ / -)
Brutal Chick Fights 3269 4 (+ / -)
Brutal and Barbaric Beating of a Theif in China 3701 -2 (+ / -)
Hockey mass brawl, goalie joins in too. 2814 7 (+ / -)
Rally car crashed into a ditch 2270 6 (+ / -)
Cliff jump accident 3056 1 (+ / -)
Grampa Face-Plants On Dyno Roller 2151 1 (+ / -)
Drunk Fratboy Causing Trouble Gets Bodyslammed 3756 8 (+ / -)
Suzuki hard crashes on the road 2788 9 (+ / -)
Dumb operator crashes train to dock 2917 9 (+ / -)
Ultimate Nut Shot 2829 3 (+ / -)
Painful Bail After a Guy Catches his Foot on a Rail 1875 5 (+ / -)
Black Guy Beats Down NYC Cab Driver In Traffic 2491 1 (+ / -)
Skiing Accidents 2238 -4 (+ / -)
Skater tears his balls on a rail! 1964 2 (+ / -)
Guy tries to show off but does a faceplant instead 1985 7 (+ / -)
2,507 22-gauge surgical needles inserted 2895 -2 (+ / -)
Mascots Fight During Basketball Game 2116 4 (+ / -)
Romanian Kid Crossing a Street Gets Hit by a Car 2659 -6 (+ / -)
Wild Big Girl Beatdown by Little Girl in Crowded Room 4669 -3 (+ / -)
How Russian Police deal with Rowdy Teenagers 5503 6 (+ / -)
Guy beat up by a girl at wrestling 3013 7 (+ / -)
Karate Teacher Brutally Beats a Student 3349 3 (+ / -)
Roller Idiot 2295 7 (+ / -)
Karate Dad Brutally Head Stomps his Son's Opponent 4353 5 (+ / -)
Girl Hit In Crotch During Mentos and Diet Coke Experim 4136 -7 (+ / -)
Guy Fights a Man & a Woman in Road Rage 3033 -5 (+ / -)
Chick Slams 4-Wheeler into Truck 2747 0 (+ / -)
Kid Gets Shot With Over 100 Paint balls on Bare Skin 2159 3 (+ / -)
Goofy kid gets WRECKSHOPPED by pissed off kid 4235 23 (+ / -)
Belly Flop Contest 1808 -2 (+ / -)
Guy beats cop up bad after being pulled over 3766 1 (+ / -)
Biggest Slap in History 5253 4 (+ / -)
Best Girl FIght Ever 4509 -6 (+ / -)
Nude escalator dude falls 3158 2 (+ / -)
OUCH - that hurts (pictures) 15135 66 (+ / -)
Plane Crashes Hard Into a Lake 4358 7 (+ / -)
Longboard skater crashes hard into car 2192 -1 (+ / -)
Wheelchair Jackass 1926 -1 (+ / -)
Ministers Fight on Live TV 2770 2 (+ / -)
Stupid kid decides to set his own nuts on fire 2122 -2 (+ / -)
Skier has nasty fall, has to have leg amputated (works.. 3328 2 (+ / -)
Awesome Kawasaki wheelie goes wrong 3231 4 (+ / -)
Dutch Air Force AH-64D Takes Out a Taliban Position 5414 2 (+ / -)
Street Racers Collide 2990 4 (+ / -)
Bizarre Playgrounds - NOT for kids 6693 -3 (+ / -)
2 Latino Girls Brawling in the Streets Insanely! 3292 -2 (+ / -)
How not to firebomb a nightclub 2795 2 (+ / -)
How Not To Do a Ski Jump 2687 0 (+ / -)
Insane Saudi driver smashes pedestrian 2630 6 (+ / -)
Stupid thieves try to rob the wrong club 3225 6 (+ / -)
Breakdance falls of the stage hard 1848 0 (+ / -)
Bone Shattering Rugby Hits Video Collection 2305 3 (+ / -)
60+ Rally Car Crashes in 1 Video! 2340 10 (+ / -)
Skier Gets Completely Annihilated During Slalom 2332 0 (+ / -)
Tow truck driver epic failure 5202 19 (+ / -)
Motorcycle In a Head On Collision with a Car 5474 9 (+ / -)
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