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beers beer beers 4255 33 (+ / -)
Dude caught masturbating (GET BLINDS) 7878 28 (+ / -)
Wrestler with no legs... This is kinda creepy 3970 48 (+ / -)
Steel implants under the skin. How fun 4630 27 (+ / -)
I want a tiger! 4294 39 (+ / -)
I want what he's having! 19171 39 (+ / -)
Dude fucks the world (smutty cartoon) 5297 23 (+ / -)
Take it like a man 4180 48 (+ / -)
Bitch starts fight in Pizza parlour 7736 46 (+ / -)
Ouch. That just gotta hurt 4584 24 (+ / -)
Something you don't wanna see goth chicks do (smut?) 8944 18 (+ / -)
DJ hand... 15010 130 (+ / -)
pretty creatures 5801 36 (+ / -)
What on earth? (smut) 7464 37 (+ / -)
Whiny bitches... 5463 35 (+ / -)
So idiotically nasty.. or something 4068 45 (+ / -)
Aww.. cute little kittie and a dog.. 5367 38 (+ / -)
This sucks. (Hold down enter) 5970 23 (+ / -)
anything is possible at 2878 42 (+ / -)
Intestinal Tapeworms and their Glass Facsimiles 2835 22 (+ / -)
I'm not sure I wanna know.. 3645 42 (+ / -)
The Fashion Calculator - Look like everyone else! 2955 16 (+ / -)
Everything you always wanted to know about breasts 4988 29 (+ / -)
500 sex moves.. Whatever that is 6107 37 (+ / -)
Partygirls kissing 7873 49 (+ / -)
Lighting your ass on fire isn't as easy as it looks? 2612 42 (+ / -)
Dog-safe suit? 2632 52 (+ / -)
Realdoll party (doll smut) 7376 53 (+ / -)
Awww... Valentines cards 3595 40 (+ / -)
Dead pornstars 8851 51 (+ / -)
The many (angry) faces of condi rice 3042 42 (+ / -)
Halfnaked chicks (non nude) doing stupid things 6808 40 (+ / -)
Extreme wheelchair 3298 44 (+ / -)
Sweden forgives Phelps 3355 29 (+ / -)
Play with Stan 3014 37 (+ / -)
Fatty toilets! Hold 2000lbs! (Do they take larger poops?) 3136 30 (+ / -)
That 7yr old girl can kick your ass! 6041 21 (+ / -)
Sex exercises 8955 35 (+ / -)
Careful with that saw buddy! (Kinda gross) 4760 28 (+ / -)
Popcorn forks... Why? 2552 40 (+ / -)
Beer Can Smash.. 2762 46 (+ / -)
Clam recipe - Sounds naaasty 2130 35 (+ / -)
Suicide Mono 2568 32 (+ / -)
No more Bush - I don't get it 3948 7 (+ / -)
Endless pools 3383 33 (+ / -)
One word: "No." 3866 33 (+ / -)
AAWWW... the kittens are just so cute! 6627 62 (+ / -)
Save toby (again) - This so wonderfully cruel 3349 23 (+ / -)
Self-bondage deaths 3675 46 (+ / -)
18.7kegs in one night... possible? 3265 37 (+ / -)
Can you say "Autoerotic Asphyxiation Syndrome"? 2865 43 (+ / -)
Worlds longest motorcycle 3105 33 (+ / -)
"The shoe tree" 2453 34 (+ / -)
Colorful coffins 2055 46 (+ / -)
Learn to dance with your cat 2011 36 (+ / -)
Cameramail - good idea 2836 53 (+ / -)
Freestyle walking 2772 34 (+ / -)
Bah... people can collect everything! 2565 32 (+ / -)
Remember to scrub long and hard 4245 29 (+ / -)
Holy shit that's some serious white trash (nudity) 10405 17 (+ / -)
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